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Jul 23, 2024: This gives me chills. Biden watching this years ago … then embracing the character demonstrated by Washington.

Jul 21, 2024: So much geek fun

Jul 7, 2024: Today is the 4th day of my four-day holiday. I woke up with nothing to do. After a year of working every day (which I’ve enjoyed), I’m …

Jul 6, 2024: “The one who follows the crowd will usually go no further than the crowd. The one who walks alone is likely to find themselves in places no one has …

Jul 6, 2024: As part of optimizing my writing workflow, I’ve set up Obsidian (where I write daily) to publish posts here. Using…

Jul 2, 2024: This is two books, Shards of Honor and Barrayar. I was desperately flailing around the internet, looking for something restful to read. Reddit threads …

Mar 5, 2024: The Bee Sting by Paul Murray 📚 I don’t enjoy novels that switch between voices but this book did it brilliantly. I admired the unconventional …

Mar 2, 2024: Upgrade: A Novel by Blake Crouch 📚 I enjoyed a story that doesn’t simplify intelligence into “I can win at Jeopardy.” Along with the …

Mar 1, 2024: Bride by Ali Hazelwood 📚 I consumed the Twilight series like potato chips. So it was with Bride. Yes, it’s a “vulnerable woman who’s …

Feb 29, 2024: I’ve been reading novels every night. Since Covid, I’ve needed stories, no nonfiction. So I’ve let myself go on this journey. …

Feb 21, 2024: Playing on repeat to improve my Wednesday energy.

Feb 20, 2024: This talk “presents a new lens to understand our contemporary world” and “a set of tools that honor and leverage emergence in order …

Feb 19, 2024: Let’s face it, software systems are messy … that’s what makes them work.

Feb 17, 2024: After watching the movie Anatomy of a Fall, I couldn’t sleep. It is a psychologically chilling, and familiar, experience of what happens when a …

Feb 6, 2024: 6am, sitting on the couch together, drinking coffee. Macbook Pros & noise-cancelling headphones. Wordle scores posted in the family Slack channel. …

Jan 30, 2024: Why turning off Messages before you begin your focus session is important. Your friends are interesting or they wouldn’t be your friends.

Jan 28, 2024: Andrew Harmel-Law is writing Facilitating Software Architecture while I am writing Learning Systems Thinking. Today we started a 30 day challenge …

Jan 17, 2024: Well, that’s a thing. 2023 was quite a year.

Jan 13, 2024: If you do the thing you most want to do – the thing you fear you can not do – you’ll discover your blockers. Success isn’t …

Jan 10, 2024: Early in my career as a systems architect, I felt alone with the challenges I faced. Now, I am surrounded by people who understand. The key to our …

Jan 7, 2024: A New Years Love Note to my Friends

I haven’t done a great job staying connected – for reasons I’ve described here. But I want you to know that I’m with you and …

Jan 7, 2024: We’re watching Mullin. Super Paul Mullin. Playing in the FA Cup today. We want Wrexham to win. Go on and … beat Arsenal or ManCity but we …

Jan 4, 2024: Part 3 of Learning Systems Thinking has been added to the early release. It’s delightful to be this close to finishing the book. I look forward …

Jan 3, 2024: Snark is the best medicine. I’d already read every Murderbot book. Thank goodness, when I needed a Covid book friend, there was: The Kaiju …

Jan 2, 2024: 2024, Not a Great Start Over the holidays, I had Covid. Symptoms began two weeks ago and I am still not recovered. For the first time in my career, I’ve had to cancel …

May 18, 2023: The Joy of Solitude

I resist bringing my full attention back to focused work, like a toddler who doesn’t want her face washed. Even though, focus is joy.

Mar 7, 2021: Personhood

This week, my intention was to be more mindful when attending online work meetings. As I did, I noticed something: I’ve constructed a Me Who Goes to …

Nov 14, 2020: Rest and Renew

I’ve learned essential lessons about rest and renewal over the last decade. For example, renewing my energy is the most trustworthy bellwether of …

Aug 28, 2020: Wisdom crafters

Wisdom crafters are seekers of a philosophic sunrise. They work hard, often in the shadows, to discover insights that change our view of things. …

Apr 4, 2020: In the midst of this

In the midst of the pandemic, during a retreat, I take a breath. When I stop constantly swimming towards more, I discover enough.

Mar 22, 2020: Notes from our home in New York

I wanted to live a Year of Enough. Now, I live in a pandemic epicenter where there is no more. Ironic, don’t you think? Inside all the uncertainty, …

Mar 14, 2020: Educating at home during viral times

In the midst of the pandemic, many colleagues are working while their kids are schooling at home. A few have asked, via social media, for strategies. …

Feb 10, 2020: And then it got hard

It has been three weeks since I posted. In part because some difficult work consumed my writing energy. But mostly, because I ran smack into …

Jan 17, 2020: Stop hoarding todos and breathe

What I do is balanced and supported by all I don’t do. I’ve never been great at balance. Or taking deep breaths. Seems I’m learning both now.

Jan 15, 2020: Asking for help

When I hoard todos and refuse to ask for help, I stifle the Enough Economy. A lesson I recently learned for the bazillionth time.

Jan 12, 2020: Competition

I don’t enjoy competition yet can be quite competitive. What’s that about? How is competition related to being enough?

Jan 7, 2020: Making nut milk

I recently made almond milk. It was so easy, I wondered if there are other products I buy that I don’t need. Which made me wonder why I love …

Jan 6, 2020: The enough retrospective

When I look back on the last ten years, I can see where I’ve experienced enough. Where I haven’t. And how I can change so the next ten years are more …

Jan 4, 2020: Blurring the edges

Seeking work life balance suggests we don’t work during the life part. We work all the time. Here is how I am blurring the edges.

Jan 2, 2020: Enough of what? An exercise.

A writing exercise to uncover ‘enough of what?’ in which I share TMI and link to cool stuff.

Dec 31, 2019: Resistance is our strengthener

My inner resistance to this practice is solidifying, concretizing. Simultanously, I am developing muscles I’ve never had and always needed.

Dec 28, 2019: Doing enough: the first of many

In which I demonstrate my unrealistic relationship with TODO lists and wonder if, maybe, that relationship will change this year. Maybe.

Dec 27, 2019: There's no such thing as enough sugar

Imagine the holidays with no sugar, including flour and alcohol. Horrifying thought or joyful ideal? I’ve never enjoyed food more.

Dec 25, 2019: Christmas enough

Becoming free from the empty drama of “enough” at the holidays may require years of experimentation. But what matters most is knowing that your time, …

Dec 23, 2019: What are you doing New Years?

Who gets ‘a thousand invitations’? How many invitations are enough? What are you doing New Year’s eve?

Dec 22, 2019: Into the inner garden

In the center of my inner world, there is a garden. I have arrived here. Just in time for the holidays.

Dec 21, 2019: Year of Enough

On this Winter Solstice, I devote myself to exploring being, doing, having Enough. And publishing consistently about the experience.

Jun 29, 2018: Hit the Road, Jack

In two days, I leave on a month-long, drag-an-RV-behind-the-truck road trip. What - the frack - am I doing?

Jun 29, 2018: Wake up, Maggie

“Wake up” is a marvelous goal for a roadtrip! Both the surface meaning “enjoy each morning on the road, even when you’re exhausted” and the deeper …